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The Secret Fire

The Secret Fire
Co-written by C. J. Daugherty and Carina Rozenfeld
Reviewed by Fleur Burland Sully

Blossoming romance, special powers, betrayal, action, mystery, murder, and all in a race against time.

The two-part series The Secret Fire is packed full of adventure starring two strangers in a fight for their lives. It is about an English school girl called Taylor, trying to get extra credit in her academic career in order to get into Oxford University, and Sacha, a boy in France trying to deal with a family secret. The supposed strangers are brought together seemingly at random but it turns out to be the result of an ancient curse which in turn puts both their lives at risk. It is Taylor's job to learn how to control her sudden new powers as an alchemist and save Sacha before he dies on his 18th birthday. Destiny has doomed them but the question is – will they succeed?

The vivid descriptions of the characters and settings are a portal to another world as you grow with the characters and get involved in the action.

Amazingly, C. J. Daugherty (pictured below, left) and Carina Rozenfeld (below, right) started this wonderful story together over email, writing alternating chapters with C. J. writing the chapters from the English girl Taylor's point of view and Carina writing the chapters from the French boy Sacha's point of view. I hope their partnership doesn't end with this series.

This story is riveting, a definite page-turner, and I would recommend it to teenagers who like paranormal drama. I can't wait for the second book.

The Secret Fire by CJ Daugherty and Carina Rozenfeld is published 10th September by Little Brown.
You can pre-order a copy here

CJ Daugherty Carina Rozenfeld

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