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The American masthead
1040 Abroad


State of the Union FEATURE | FOMO Across the Ocean
By Adam M Lowenstein
John Robert ‘Bobby’ Runnells and his wife, Virmadella Jester FEATURE | Commemoration of VJ-Day, 15 August 1945
By Suzie Harrison and Matt Brown
Education of John Adams FEATURE | John Adams, Revolutionary and Man of Law
By Historian R. B. Bernstein examines how John Adams brought English Constitutionalism to America
Osprey Publishing
Peter Sommer Travels

FEATURE | Stately Homes

FEATURE | Corfu Caper

Student FEATURE | Building a Case for US Universities
Spending Your Child's Summer Months Wisely: Strategies to impress admissions departments in American universities
Orduna FEATURE | A survivor of the Atlantic Convoy
Carol Gould tells the story of one of the Greatest Generation.
D-Day - Landing at- Normandy. Photo: Robert Capa FEATURE | D-Day 70th: Lest We Forget
Carol Gould remembers those who gave their lives to liberate Europe and talks to the survivors.
Into the Jaws of Death, Robert F Sargent FEATURE | The Bedford Boys: D–Day Heroes
The story of the small–town Americans who led the way and paid the price on that fateful day.
The National D–Day Memorial FEATURE | The National D–Day Memorial
The US's memorial to the valor, fidelity, and sacrifice of the Allied Forces who landed in Normandy on June 6, 1944.
The American FEATURE | Benjamin Franklin in Britain
The London haunts of a Transatlantic hero, who first arrived here aged 19.
6 Californias FEATURE | Secession: Should I stay or should I go?
Comparing Scotland's referendum and California's mini–state movement
Anti-Syria-War-March-Chicago-20130910_photo by Mikasi FEATURE | Freedom for Syria, Speech and the Press
70% of Americans believe Syria should not be bombed by the US. Alan D Miller argues that sometimes to do nothing is the right thing.
Royal Marines Challenge FEATURE | Journalists Who Risk All
The bravery of Lyse Doucet (pictured) and her foreign correspondent colleagues who daily face death to bring us the news from the world's trouble spots
Alan Miller FEATURE | Who Are We – And How Are We To Live?
Ideas have consequences and it's up to all of us to get engaged, perhaps at The Academy in London in July, says Alan Miller
The American FEATURE | My Jewish mother and her beautiful black blood
Carol Gould remembers the African Americans who saved her mother's life and wonders why anonymous emailers still call Obama a Muslim and a Nazi.
The American FEATURE | When Vacations lead to Separations
September and January are family lawyers' busiest months. Here's our advice on how to ease those vacation tensions.
The American FEATURE | Missing You Already
The treats that drive expat Americans to distraction
Girl with money picture for The American magazine FEATURE | Money Means Choice
"Money doesn't buy happiness," Virginia's father told her, but it does make life a little easier.
Guy Fawkes picture FEATURE | Guy Fawkes, The Gunpowder Plot and Bonfire Night
To people new here – and to many who've always lived here – the celebration of the gunpowder plot seems very confused and strange. Mary Bailey helps explain.
6 Californias FEATURE | Fifty Years Beyond US Borders
As Democrats Abroad reaches its half century, Sharon Manitta explains how it started and what its role is today.
The American FEATURE | When Summer Vacation leads to Separation
September and January are family lawyers' busiest months. Here's our advice on how to ease those vacation tensions.
Guy Fawkes picture FEATURE | Guy Fawkes, The Gunpowder Plot and Bonfire Night
To people new here – and to many who've always lived here – the celebration of the gunpowder plot seems very confused and strange. Mary Bailey helps explain. more...
FEATURE | Praia da Luz
The American's Virginia Schultz visits Praia da Luz, the resort where young Madeline McCann disappeared. Here is her personal view of the tragedy that filled the media.

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